Chinese Karaoke Party

By Teaching Chinese@Penn (other events)

Thursday, March 28 2013 7:00 PM 9:00 PM EDT

We welcome all Chinese song lovers!!


Teaching Chinese@Penn      Chinese Karaoke Party

March 28th, 7:00pm,

Houston Hall,Hall of Flags,3417 Spruce Street

Target contestants:
(1).Both Native Mandarin Speakers and Non native Mandarin Learners
(2).Both people on campus and off campus are welcome

Different prizes are provided by our sponsors, such as meal vouchers of Jane’s Restaurant, Chinese traditional instrument shows,Karaoke gift card, Japanese Cherry Festival Ticket,Trials of Chinese traditional instruments, Trials of language classes,Zento VIP cards.

Prize settings:
First Prize
Second Prize
Third Prize
Most Popular Singer Prize(chosen by audience)
Best Mandarin-speaking  Prize(for non-native mandarin speakers)
Best Voice Prize
Creativity Prize

Benefit for Contestants:
(1). Free List of Most Popular Chinese Songs(Sent privately to your Email)
(2). Free training of Chinese pronunciation if you need(Add it as anything else in the form)
(3). Free Admission on March 28th
(4).Chance to win all the big prizes provided by sponsors
(5).Enjoy cheers from all the audience

Please prepare the accompany and sent to our Email before March 13

Registration Link:



Audience Ticket: $5 for students and faculties  $8 for people off campus
Ticket Link:

Benefit for Audience:
(1).Tea Tasting & Introduction
(2).Free Dragon Tattoo at the door
(3).Raffle to win special show at the end of the party
(4).Know your Zodiac Animal or "eight characters"
   Fortunetelling uses what is called the "eight characters" representing the year, month, day and hour of a person's date of birth in the traditional lunar calendar.

(5)You can purchase portrait of Chinese pop singers and be given brief introduction about them.

Organizer: Teaching Chinese@Penn

Chinese Arts Center费城华人艺术中心
Philly Asian Professional Meetup Group
Jane G’s Restaurant川王府
Metro Chinese Weekly海华都市报
Emerge Chinatown
South Philly High School

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Teaching Chinese@Penn through Email [email protected]